
Feeling Good!

This is a description. Or a biography. Either works to be honest. You choose :D

Name: John

Occupation: Space Accountant

Time Zone: Eastern Jupiter Zone 3 (+5:00)


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Computer Science Scholars Organization

Free, high quality computer science resources for everyone, without the stress.

Everyone can learn to code.

And we want to streamline that process!

We make Computer Science free and fun, by assisting high school clubs, and providing free online lessons!

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Fixing the Learning Curve

Computer science can be daunting, but our job is to get rid of the scariness so you can focus on learning! Try adjusting some values in the css editor on the right, and observe how the button below changes!

Css Editor







border: 2px solid








Learn More

Online Lessons

Whether you are just starting your journey, or want to learn a new concept, we have something for you.

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Our curriculum focuses on project-based learning, and we encourage students to build real-world software as they learn!

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Club Resources

We have a set of useful resources and tools for student-run computer science clubs! Register with us to see the benefits!